Welcome to Alter - Creative Responsive Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Once you've downloaded the installation file on ThemeForest, extract it and locate a file called ds-Alter.zip. You can install the theme by using one of two installation methods:
You should see a notification at the top of the screen that required plugins need to be installed. Please install and activate all of the required plugins, since they are necessary for the theme to function properly.
Great - you can now start building your site!
To let Theme work correctly we recommend to instal following plugins:
After active Elementor plugin please go to Elementor -> Settings tab and check:
To make your website faster we recommend as well:
You can update your theme manually by performing the following steps:
WordPress by default has a limited number of menu items. When you import our demo site, which contains a lot of menu items, you might not be able to save changes you make to a menu. You can fix this problem by contacting your hosting and asking them to add the following lines to php.ini file:
suhosin.post.max_vars = 5000 suhosin.request.max_vars = 5000
This problem is most likely related to JetPack and memory settings of your hosting. You can either disable JetPack or read what the JetPack developer wrote: Regarding the memory limit, please refer to the WordPress Codex section concerning this problem. Some sites that load many plugins alongside WordPress ultimately require a higher memory limit than WordPress defaults to, but since this is limited to specific hosts and configurations, it must be dealt with on an individual basis. You'll find the Codex article at: https://codex.wordpress.org/Common_WordPress_Errors#Allowed_memory_size_exhausted
Please use this tool to investigate reasons for slow loading: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?hl=en
To make your website faster we recommend as well:
You can use the Codestyling localization plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/codestyling-localization/) to translate/rename all the theme's labels. Another solution is to edit the Theme folder/languages/en_US.po file directly in editor and manually edit labels you want to translate.
If you get a white screen or some other error when trying to import our demo content, this probably happens because of the maximum execution time limit. You need to increase the maximum execution time (upload time) setting of your web server. The default maximum execution time on web servers is 30 seconds. Please increase it to 120 seconds. Possible ways of achieving this are:
Ask your hosting provider to take care of this for you.
Once you've installed Alter, you can start building your site.
Go to theme Customization page (Appeearance -> Customize).
There you can:
In this tab you can change default colors to your own. It's very easy, you can select color from color picker.
There you can:
There you can use CDN for Assets (All Bootstrap Assets and FontAwesome will be loaded in CDN).
To create a menu, go to Appearance > Menus from the admin panel. Click on "Create a new menu." Enter a name for your menu, and then click on "Create Menu".
Every page that you've created up until now will be listed in the section on the left called Pages. Simply check the ones that you want added to the menu, and then click on the "Add to Menu" button. Once added, you can click and drag the menu items to rearrange them, or nest them one under the other.
Underneath the menu items, under the section Menu Settings, check "Top Navigation" and click "Save Menu" in order to activate the menu you've just created. You should now have a functional menu on your pages.
Finally, let's set up the general look and feel of your site. If you'd like to keep the fonts and colors you see on the Alter demo site, then you do not need to do anything more. Otherwise, go to Customize. Under Color Scheme and Font Styles, choose a default font family for your site, as well as the default content background color.
Now that you've set up some basic elements, you're ready to begin building your pages.
To create a new page, go to Pages > Add New from the admin panel. Enter a title for your page in the text field near the top of your screen. Then choose the "Full Width" template for your page in the section on the right called Page Attributes. This will allow you to have sections on your page that go across full width of the screen.
At the bottom section of your screen are local page settings.
After this click blue button Edit With Elementor to use elementor builder.
Please note that Alter comes with font icon pack Font Awesome. You can see an overview of all the available icons at the following links:
With the Alter theme, you have the option to either start creating your site from scratch, or choosing to import one of the included demo sites to use as a starting point, and then modifying it to suit your needs. In this section we will explain how to do the latter.
Alter comes with a one-click import module. To import one of the included demo sites, please follow these steps:
To create a new blog post, go to Posts > Add New from the admin panel.
Widgets are easy to manage and can be incredibly useful to have on your site.
We cerated few custom shortocdes to arrange blog posts:
- This shows 3 latest posts in 3 columns[home_post_hero]
- This shows 1 latest post full width[home_post_hero_small]
- This shows 2 posts full width - with offset 1 post[home_posts_below]
- This shows 12 posts in 2 columns - with offset 1 postAlter comes with WooCommerce integration, which allows you to build an online shop. For more information on installing and configuring WooCommerce, please visit this page:
In order to setup WooCommerce with our theme, please perform the following steps:
Alter makes it possible to create forms for various purposes with the help of Contact Form 7.
In order to setup Contact Form 7, please perform the following steps:
Now when you use Visual Composer, you will see a new shortcode in the list of shortcodes - the Contact Form 7.
Click on this shortcode to add your form. There are several fields to fill in: